There's not a shadow of a doubt:the most extreme messenger event ever.EVER!
The first time I have been told about the Millportpoloco at the ECMC in Basel.The list of casualties was quite impressive and included:one case of hypotermia,at least one case of serious burns,broken bones,couple of couriers missing in action and the off license expedition being chased by the audience of a country and western gig.That was the very first Millportpoloco which sadly i have missed.
Then there was last years poloco,the report from which you can find here.
Not even in the slightest less extreme than the first poloco,that one started with the street kierin in Glasgow(going wrong way around a roundabout,with real traffic including a cop car,and particularly vicious parked cars attacking some riders) and finished with pirate alleycat on the island of Great Cumbrae-the last checkpoint was on the next island,racers had to swim there to complete the race.I GAVE UP DRINKING AFTER THAT WEEKEND!!!!
This years third edition of Millportpoloco-quite rightly called Millpocalypse-in conjunction with CMCW in Dublin should be a fine,wet,drunken and deep fried celtic holiday.
The official Millportpoloco web site is here.
My pictures from last year are here
So what should be expected this year?Lets see:
Rain? - TICK

Customized track bikes? - TICK

Deep fried pizza? - TICK

Sea and tropical swamp food restaurant? - TICK

Don't fancy deep fried aligator?There's local cuisine too.Deep fried haggis? - TICK

Need even more cholesterol?What's the problem!Battered deep fried pizza? - TICK

What does one do with all that food?Throw it up on yourself,of course.NYC made vomit bag? - TICK

The surgery is there and they even deal with the gun wounds.Residents of Hackney will feel safer than at home.999 EMERGENCY? - TICK
The first time I have been told about the Millportpoloco at the ECMC in Basel.The list of casualties was quite impressive and included:one case of hypotermia,at least one case of serious burns,broken bones,couple of couriers missing in action and the off license expedition being chased by the audience of a country and western gig.That was the very first Millportpoloco which sadly i have missed.
Then there was last years poloco,the report from which you can find here.
Not even in the slightest less extreme than the first poloco,that one started with the street kierin in Glasgow(going wrong way around a roundabout,with real traffic including a cop car,and particularly vicious parked cars attacking some riders) and finished with pirate alleycat on the island of Great Cumbrae-the last checkpoint was on the next island,racers had to swim there to complete the race.I GAVE UP DRINKING AFTER THAT WEEKEND!!!!
This years third edition of Millportpoloco-quite rightly called Millpocalypse-in conjunction with CMCW in Dublin should be a fine,wet,drunken and deep fried celtic holiday.
The official Millportpoloco web site is here.
My pictures from last year are here
So what should be expected this year?Lets see:
Rain? - TICK

Customized track bikes? - TICK

Deep fried pizza? - TICK

Sea and tropical swamp food restaurant? - TICK

Don't fancy deep fried aligator?There's local cuisine too.Deep fried haggis? - TICK

Need even more cholesterol?What's the problem!Battered deep fried pizza? - TICK

What does one do with all that food?Throw it up on yourself,of course.NYC made vomit bag? - TICK

The surgery is there and they even deal with the gun wounds.Residents of Hackney will feel safer than at home.999 EMERGENCY? - TICK

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