Today 5.30ish,going from Soho to Knightsbridge.Its pissing down with rain.Just passed the traffic lights at the Sloane street junction,when the guy on my right decides that he doesnt want to go to High street Ken.And he is turning right into me.Its really close.Too close.Swerve to the left and acceleration to avoid him.Loud WRRROOOOM and he is now on my left.He doesnt like me and he is getting closer and closer.His window is down so i shout 'Don't play with my life' and 'Learn how to drive'.He shouts back 'I'm gonna fuckin kill you'.He isn't kidding and he is getting even closer.There is a bus on my right,so nowhere to escape.His side mirror is now right on my handlebars.Its slippery,I'm going pretty fast and it all takes like 5-10 seconds.I slap his mirror,don't really need to move my hand to do it-its so close.I slap it lightly,won't cause any damage and hopefully that will scare him off.The cunt grabs my arm and pulls it as he is accelerating.My front wheel starts dancing on the wet road,there is a moving bus on my right-I'm shitting myself.Somehow didnt go under the bus.The cunt speeded off west,left me shaking for another hour...
Friday evening,Wells street heading down towards Soho.Just passed the lights at East Castle street when a black cab overtakes me.Overtakes where there isn't really enough room to overtake.Squeezed between the kerb and a taxi passing 2mm away from me.10 meters ahead he stops at Oxford street lights.I'm ahead of him again.Going to pick up the last job of the day,so no time for hostilities,gestures etc.We set off.On Berwick street there is absolutely not enough space to overtake,So that lovely chap is driving just behind me.I mean it- JUST behind me.I can feel his bumper on my wheel.From Oxford street to Darblay street.Thats what? Maybe 200 meters.The guy was decent enough not to actually run me over.THANX MATE.
Monday morning,its raining again.I'm on Waterloo road heading north.As I approach the rounabout I watch the oncoming traffic from the right waiting for that gap.And what do i see?A cabbie decides he needs to change the lane.He looks in the mirror-there is a motocyclist approaching on his left.What cabbie does?Yep,you knew it-he pulls the turn just in front of the motorcyclist.The poor fucker slams his brakes,Its wet so he skids sideways,miraculously not coming off.The cab driver didn't even blink his eye.As if nothing happened.
The grand Tour de France is coming to London.In front of me I have a guide to the Tour produced by Transport For London.Page 64,big advert-TRAVEL SAFE it says above a pic of a black cab and a london bus.TRAVEL SAFE MY ARSE.About half of my close calls does involve black cab drivers so don't fucking tell me to travel safe.
Dear People from Transport For London-I hope you are reading this.You can spend millions on cycling publicity,have a fucking cycling festival in Hyde Park every day and Tour de Fucking France every week,but CASTRATING everyone who passes the knowledge test may well be a better option.Or perhaps compulsory castration should go together with every car purchase.Situations like that one in Knightsbridge today fills me with so much hatred.So please excusse my language.Have a good night.
Friday evening,Wells street heading down towards Soho.Just passed the lights at East Castle street when a black cab overtakes me.Overtakes where there isn't really enough room to overtake.Squeezed between the kerb and a taxi passing 2mm away from me.10 meters ahead he stops at Oxford street lights.I'm ahead of him again.Going to pick up the last job of the day,so no time for hostilities,gestures etc.We set off.On Berwick street there is absolutely not enough space to overtake,So that lovely chap is driving just behind me.I mean it- JUST behind me.I can feel his bumper on my wheel.From Oxford street to Darblay street.Thats what? Maybe 200 meters.The guy was decent enough not to actually run me over.THANX MATE.
Monday morning,its raining again.I'm on Waterloo road heading north.As I approach the rounabout I watch the oncoming traffic from the right waiting for that gap.And what do i see?A cabbie decides he needs to change the lane.He looks in the mirror-there is a motocyclist approaching on his left.What cabbie does?Yep,you knew it-he pulls the turn just in front of the motorcyclist.The poor fucker slams his brakes,Its wet so he skids sideways,miraculously not coming off.The cab driver didn't even blink his eye.As if nothing happened.
The grand Tour de France is coming to London.In front of me I have a guide to the Tour produced by Transport For London.Page 64,big advert-TRAVEL SAFE it says above a pic of a black cab and a london bus.TRAVEL SAFE MY ARSE.About half of my close calls does involve black cab drivers so don't fucking tell me to travel safe.
Dear People from Transport For London-I hope you are reading this.You can spend millions on cycling publicity,have a fucking cycling festival in Hyde Park every day and Tour de Fucking France every week,but CASTRATING everyone who passes the knowledge test may well be a better option.Or perhaps compulsory castration should go together with every car purchase.Situations like that one in Knightsbridge today fills me with so much hatred.So please excusse my language.Have a good night.
witam, nie dziwie sie nerwom a wlasnie nie wspominalam o "szalencach"? nie chcialam zeby to zabrzmialo niegrzecznie ale mialam na mysli pozytywne znaczenie tego slowa ja tez moge ci co nie co opowiedziec z mojego punktu widzenia: poprzednia sroda niedaleko wardour str jade sobie w vanie (a nie prowadze jestem pasazerem) wjezdzamy z ulicy podporzadkowanej kierowca patrzy w lewo nie ma nic w prawo nic wiec zaczyna skrecac a ze jest to dosc duzy van robi to raczej wolno a ja krzycze: nadjezdza rower z lewej bardzo szybko! wiec kierowca - kobieta jedzie bardzo ostroznie a ten (kurier ha) nagle jeszcze bardziej przyspiesza wyprzedza nas z lewej strony i nagle przez kilkanascie, moze wiecej, sekund robi popis jadac tylko na tylnim kole i jeszcze sie oglada za siebie czy widzialysmy, no nie szaleniec? znam juz jego twarz widzialam nie raz wiec wiem ze to nie jakis dzieciak i co na to powiesz? albo dziewczyna dzis na shaftesbury avenue stoimy w korku a ta sie przepycha pomiedzy nami a zaparkowanym samochodem nie bojac sie ze zaraz ruszymy i jeszcze odgina nam lusterko po czym oczywiscie przeprasza blondyneczka a ja mowie nie szkodzi. wiem ze tak naprawde kierowcy nie lubia cyklistow w zadnej postaci ale czasem wiadomo za co. ja sama kierowca nie jestem i jezdze do pracy na rowerze wiec chyba stad moja cierpliwosc. nigdy nie w amsterdamie ale slyszalam ze gdyby tutaj bylo tak jak tam nie zdarzalyby sie rozne straszne wypadki z poszkodowanymi cyklistami. a jesli chodzi o szalencow to widzialam pewien wyscig po ulicach londynu na youtube filmowany chyba kamera na innym scigajacym sie wiec tak wlasnie pomyslalam. mam nadzieje ze sie nie pogniewasz.
witam, widze ze jednak obrazilam ale naprawde niechcacy; poczytalam sobie to co znalazlam na temat fixed wheel i niejestem pewna na ile teraz rozumiem sama technike jazdy i czym sie ona rozni od jazdy na rowerze ktorym jezdzilam okolo 25 lat temu jako dziecko; no i nadal trzymam sie tego ze na rowerze takim cieniutkie kola, rama i inna technika jazdy jezdzi sie zupelnie inaczej, z taka gracja i co najbardziej spodobalo mi sie w wypowiedziach ludzi na jakiejs stronie o fixed to:Seeing someone racing on fixed is watching poetry in motion, i:fixed is like a drug, once you have tried it your hooked. z czego tak naprawde nie wiem ile jest prawda a ile nie ale sama przygladajac sie jezdzacym na fixed czuje ze jest to jednak cos zupelnie innego.
a teraz moze do rzeczy czy uwazasz ze majac lat 30 to jest za pozno na zmiane roweru z normalnego z dosc gruba rama i przerzutkami (ktorych i tak nie uzywam bo jestem zbyt leniwa na to) na taki naprawde zlozony prawie samemu?
pozdrawiam, i dzieki
Glad I'm not the only who's come to loathe and fear black cabs. My commute takes me through Mayfair and Victoria where they make up an implausibly huge proportion of the traffic, sadly.
JEZZABELL:troche to trudno wytlumaczyc komus kto nie jest kurierem.w skrocie:gdybym sie zatrzymywal na kazdym swietle i nie wbijal sie w kazda dostepna przestrzen to bym pewnie nie zarobil zadnej kasy.byc moze wyglada to na szlenstwo dla kogos kto nigdy nie byl kurierem ale zapewniam cie ze nikt nie jest samobojca.w ciagu wszystkich tych lat ktore spedzilem jezdzac jedyne wypadki jakie mialem byly z winy innych uzytkownikow drog(lub pieszych).tak zeby dac ci jakie takie pojecie o tej pracy to trzyminutowa praca z soho na covent garden pociaga za soba:dwa czerwone swiatla,dwa niedozwolone skrety,dwa razy pod prad...
nigdy nie jest za pozno.roweru na ostrym kole nie trzeba juz sobie samemu skladac,taka teraz moda ze prawie kazdy sklep je sprzedaje.polecam Brixton Cycles na Stockwell road sw9
Dzieki za komentarze...pomachaj jak bedziesz w miescie.
Thanx for your comment,stef.And safe travels.
pomacham - tylko ze czesciej jestem w city niz westminster - dzieki pa
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