So how many bikes does messenger need to do his/her job?Two perhaps,just in case theres something wrong with 'the main' one?Well,read on then...
The year of 2006 has started for me pretty crap.Torn cartilige in my knee put me out of work for almost whole of the january,while waiting for the surgery managed to 'work' one-two days a week in february(riding 44x18).March and most of april recovering after the operation...
Finally felt like its time i could get back on my bike,although i figured out that riding fixed wheel straight away may not be the best idea.Gears and brakes then.
In Kristofs garden shed stashed away waited for me old battered red no name frame.Couple of years back in time I bought that frame for Kris at a jumble sale near Portsmouth.It was battered, had lots of ok bits on it(campy cranks etc) and costed like 20 quid.It also had seized seat post and stem.Kris converted it into his first fixie, he managed to unseize the stem by hiting a bus on Oxford street,seat post remained where it was.
Anyway, I'm back to work freewheeling for first time in 3 years,all going nice and smooth,and suddenly after 2 or 3 weeks of work(and one alley cat) the chainstay cracked.Straight into the bin...

Haven't got much choice then-back on fixed wheel.This time its one of my favoured work bikes-CARLTON I scored off ebay for 70 pounds.For some reason no one bid on it(apart of some guy called Westcoastmessenger,now-nearly 3 years later-i figured it was Xander...)and i just loved that bike.About two months later on thursday afternoon i was coming back to Soho after a run to Horseferry road/Francis street.walking up the stairs from the Mall to Pall Mall with bike on my shoulder, looked on my headset and there it was-a crack on the headtube.Another day of riding it-this time i noticed bit wierd steering.Again,into the bin...

This time its my 'sunday' bike-all golden TOMMY GODWIN.Another bike off ebay,very nice lugged frame,probably older than myself.Riding it without any problems.In the meantime though managed to completely trashed the green NOT A PINARELLO-by riding it full speed into a parked car in Glasgow.

Finally two weeks ago I'm waiting outside the ITN on Grays Inn Road for someone to come out and take tapes off me.30 minutes waiting time,I'm quite bored that started looking all over my bike,just to discover a long crack along the lug line where the headtube and the lower tube meet.And yet again-straight into the bin...
4 bikes in less than 6 months.Pretty good.
Bill reckons that I'm cursed.Could be:the lovely 1960s CARLTON with fancy lugs i sold to Twitchy Tom has cracked recently.Alloy BIANCHI road bike i sold to Kristof snapped on the seat tube(after ride from London to Basel and back,two rides to Stonehenge and many shorter rides not counting all the work both me and Kristof done on it).The NONAME grey bike i sold to Jacob may be developing a crack too.So curse it may be.
Wee Scott told me I'm a fat wanker.Damn right I am.Fat facking cunt.
So,don't buy any bikes I may try to sell you.No matter how good they look or how great the bargain is...
Anyway,who wants to buy a bike from a fat,cursed wanker?